SARA Complaints

NC-SARA Overview

NC-SARA, which stands for "National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements", aims to streamline the process of state authorization for distance education programs, allowing students easier access to online courses offered by institutions in other states while ensuring quality standards and consumer protections are maintained across participating states; essentially, it simplifies the regulation of interstate distance learning programs by creating a set of comparable national standards that member states agree to follow. 

Western Washington University participates in NC-SARA.  The state office responsible for overseeing Washington institutional participation in NC-SARA is the Washinton Student Achievement Council. 

NC-SARA Complaint Procedure

I. Scope

This procedure addresses complaints about distance education from an online student who resides outside the state of Washington.

  1. This procedure may not be used to challenge the academic judgment of faculty or to appeal a grade. Grade appeals will be considered using the Academic Grievance and Appeal Policy and Procedures found in Appendix F of the WWU Catalog. Complaints regarding student grades or student conduct violations are governed entirely by institutional policy and the Washington state law.  Students should also be aware of WWU's Disclosure of Consumer Information.
  2. No action will be taken on anonymous complaints.
  3. A complaint must be based on evidence that the complainant honestly and reasonably believes to be substantially true. Those responsible for resolving complaints under this procedure must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the complainant is protected against any subsequent retaliation.

II. Definitions

Definitions in this policy are according to State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements Policies and Standards (SARA):

Complaint: A formal assertion in writing that a person, Institution, State, agency or other organization or entity operating under the provisions of the SARA Policy Manual has violated the policies set forth in the SARA Policy Manual or of laws, standards or regulations incorporated in the SARA Policy Manual.

Distance Education: Participation in a course designated in the WWU catalog as meeting the Faculty Senate’s definitions of online-synchronous or asynchronous education or correspondence education.  These courses lack a substantial requirement for face-to-face instructional contact.

III. Procedure

A. Complaint Process Information

For assistance in determining the appropriate complaint or grievance procedure for initiating a complaint regarding distance education at Western Washington University, enrolled or prospective students should contact:

Jack Herring, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Western Washington University, 516 High St.
Bellingham, WA 98225

B. Student Complaint

Continuing with its commitment to student success, Western has adopted this procedure to assist students in the resolution of student concerns and complaints about distance education in a fair, consistent, and equitable manner.

C. Informal resolution of concerns

  1. Before making formal written complaints, students are encouraged to seek resolution to any concerns by raising and discussing them informally with the applicable faculty member or administrator who is most directly associated with the matter.
  2. A student who is uncertain about how to seek informal resolution of a concern is encouraged to seek advice from the contact listed at the top of this procedure.
  3. If the grievance is resolved by all parties, then matter is deemed closed.

D. Formal complaint procedure

  1. Where it has not been possible to resolve a concern informally, a student may make a formal complaint.

    A student from outside of Washington State who wishes to make a formal complaint about distance education must submit it in writing via email to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.  It should include:

    • The college policy, procedure, practice, or action regarding distance education that is in question, and what rights or freedoms they are affecting.
    • The date, time, and location this occurred.
    • A list of the informal attempts that were made to resolve the matter.
    • The individual’s opinion of what needs to be done to resolve the matter.
  2. The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, upon receiving the formal complaint must acknowledge the student complaint in writing within five working days. They must also maintain a file of all documentation in relation to the consideration of the complaint.
  3. The administrator overseeing the formal complaint must make a decision in relation to the complaint and must communicate his or her decision to the parties, in writing, within 15 working days of receiving the complaint or as soon as feasibly possible.

E. Appeals

  1. If the petitioner is not satisfied with the response of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Complaint may be appealed, within two years of the incident about which the Complaint is made, to Washington Student Achievement Council.  The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process. 
  2. The SARA complaint procedure can also be found on the SARA official website.

F. Confidentiality

All student-related information will be considered confidential and protected under FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act). Records relating to employees and other records that do not include student information are not confidential.